Clayton, California Fire Extinguishers
Portable, wheeled and fixed unit fire extinguishers are an invaluable tool if they are readily available and properly functioning in the event of fire emergencies. Fire extinguishers are designed for specific use and should be matched to the Class of Fire it was designed to fight, such as Class A, B, C, D or Class K (Types of Fire Extinguishers) installing them near their specific designated fire hazards in vehicles, buildings, facilities or structures as described by Insurance Company, OSHA, Federal or Government Agency and Fire & Safety Codes in Clayton, California.
Fire Extinguisher and Suppression Bombs
Fire extinguisher bombs are devices that are meant to be thrown into specific fire hazards they were designed to suppress.
Fire suppressing and extinguishing bombs have been in use for decades, generally reserved for use by fire departments, highly skilled and trained firefighters and emergency response personnel.
We have included videos to demonstrate their use by qualified individuals.
Fire Extinguisher Bomb Used in Controlled Environment
Helping Heroes Program - Kiwanis
Bus Fire Extinguisher Bomb Demonstration
Amazing Demonstration
Fire Extinguisher Bombs on Building Fires (1935).