Long Beach, California Fire Extinguishers
Portable, wheeled and fixed unit fire extinguishers are an invaluable tool if they are readily available and properly functioning in the event of fire emergencies. Fire extinguishers are designed for specific use and should be matched to the Class of Fire it was designed to fight, such as Class A, B, C, D or Class K (Types of Fire Extinguishers) installing them near their specific designated fire hazards in vehicles, buildings, facilities or structures as described by Insurance Company, OSHA, Federal or Government Agency and Fire & Safety Codes in Long Beach, California.
Fire Extinguisher Company in Long Beach, California
Fire extinguisher services should be performed by qualified, factory trained, certified, actively licensed fire extinguisher companies in Long Beach, California.
Fire extinguishers will require service, maintenance, repair, tests, inspections, refill, recharge, annual inspections and certification tags, six (6) year inspections and teardowns and hydrostatic testing.
Fire Extinguisher Service in Long Beach, California
Fire extinguishers should be serviced according to manufacturer specifications, Federal, OSHA, State, NFPA 10 Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers or municipal fire code in Long Beach, California.
By shopping qualified, licensed, factory authorized, certified fire extinguisher companies in Long Beach, California you may obtain estimates that will detail the costs to install, service, repair, test, inspect, maintain, annual tags & certifications, (6) six year inspections, refill, recharge or replacement of portable, wheeled or fixed unit fire extinguishers.
Fire Extinguisher Company in Long Beach, California
When maintenance is indicated, it should be performed by trained persons having proper equipment. Fire extinguishers are pressure vessels and must be treated with respect and handled with care. They are mechanical devices and require periodic maintenance to be sure that they are ready to operate properly and safely.