Portable Fire Extinguishers
West Hollywood, California Fire Extinguishers
Portable, wheeled or fixed unit fire extinguishers are an invaluable tool that every occupied building should install and properly service aiding in the containment, suppression or extinguishing of small fires in West Hollywood, California.
Hand-Held Portable Fire Extinguishers
Fire Extinguisher Service in West Hollywood, California
Hand held portable fire extinguishers are designed to be light-weight, easy to use and portable. Allowing a user to remove the fire extinguisher from an extinguisher bracket or fire extinguisher cabinet and take it to where the fire is located. Portable fire extinguishers are specifically designed for the Class of Fire it was designed to protect against, by reading the manufacturer label on the portable fire extinguisher it will aid you in determining if the portable fire extinguisher is appropriate to use in West Hollywood, California.
Rechargeable portable fire extinguishers may cost less to maintain and operate, than purchasing a new portable fire extinguisher every time the extinguisher is used or when fire codes deem inspection certifications annual tags issued by fire extinguisher companies in West Hollywood, California.
Training and Education
Fire Extinguisher Service in West Hollywood, California
Fire extinguisher training and education is strongly recommended as each Class of Fire is unique, its important to learn how to fight every Class of Fire and how to respond.
An example would be water extinguishes Class A fires (Wood, Paper, Cloth), however if water is used on a Class C fire (Liquids, Greases, and Gases) it may spread or explode.
Fire safety and prevention training courses should be completed by any employees, personnel or persons that plan on using installed fire protection systems or portable fire extinguishers in the event of a fire emergency. Read all instructions & owners manuals that come with fire extinguishers or fire protection systems. Consider creating a fire safety plan for your home, office or workplace to aid everyone in understanding what to do in a fire emergency in West Hollywood, California.
Amerex Fire Extinguisher Training Video
Fire Extinguisher Service in West Hollywood, California
The following instructions are of a general nature, intended to familiarize the user with the basic operating techniques of Amerex hand portable extinguishers. All operate by removing the ring (safety) pin and squeezing the handles together. Since extinguishers differ, the extinguisher nameplate must be consulted for specific procedures and starting distances. |
P.A.S.S. | Pull - Aim - Squeeze - SweepThe acronym PASS has been used to aid people in remembering the procedures to use portable fire extinguishers to contain, suppress or extinguish fires.
Manufacturer Labels
Fire Extinguisher Service in West Hollywood, California
Fire extinguisher manufacturers print labels on every fire extinguisher that is made to aid the user in understanding what Class of Fire the portable fire extinguisher was specifically designed to fight against look for the universal Fire Class Symbols on extinguisher labels. UL / ANSI / FM stickers help ensure the fire extinguisher has been reviewed and rated for performance.
Fire Codes
Fire Extinguisher Service in West Hollywood, California
Contact your local fire marshall in West Hollywood, California if you have questions regarding portable fire extinguisher and fire protection system compliance.
Ultimately complying with fire codes is the responsibility of the owner of the home, building, structure or facility.
Tests and Inspections
Fire Extinguisher Service in West Hollywood, California
Tests and inspections are completed on portable fire extinguishers to ensure their availability for use and operation in case of fire emergency in West Hollywood, California.
- Monthly Inspections
- Annual Inspection and Certification Tag
- Six (6) Year Inspection | Teardown
Annual Inspection and Certification Tags
Fire Extinguisher Service in West Hollywood, California
Annual inspections are generally completed to ensure the portable fire extinguisher is operational, these inspections and tests should be completed by qualified, authorized, certified and actively licensed fire extinguisher companies in West Hollywood, California.
Upon a successful completion of the annual portable fire extinguisher inspection, the fire extinguisher company may issue a new annual certification tag which is hung around the portable fire extinguisher for fire code compliance in West Hollywood, California.
Six (6) Year Inspection and Teardown
Fire Extinguisher Service in West Hollywood, California
Six (6) year inspections and teardowns are completed as many parts of the portable fire extinguisher will age over time and may require the possible replacement of horns, valves, collars, o-rings, defective gauges, damaged hoses, frozen gauges or missing pins.
Six (6) year inspections and teardowns should be completed by qualified, authorized, certified and actively licensed fire extinguisher companies in West Hollywood, California.
Amerex Fire Extinguishers | Instructions for Use
Amerex manufactures a wide variety of hand portable and wheeled fire extinguishers, both “compliance” (code required) and “specialty” types. “Specialty” type extinguishers are intended for use on particular types of hazards, so careful attention should be made to locating them in close proximity to the specific hazard they are meant to protect. It is natural for a person to use the extinguisher located nearest to a fire. The most current issue of NFPA-10 should be consulted for minimum recommended fire extinguisher types, placement and travel distances.
Your local Amerex Fire Equipment Distributor is professionally qualified and equipped to help you evaluate and implement these recommendations. Two new classifications have been added recently – Class A:C (Amerex Water Mist fire extinguishers) and Class A : K (Amerex Wet Chemical extinguishers). All picture symbols are detailed below and should be reviewed with all who might be expected to use a fire extinguisher. Everyone should be familiar with these picture symbols which identify the types of fires on which they may be used. The International sign symbol diagonal red slash indicates a potential danger if the extinguisher is used on that particular type of fire. Absence of a type symbol means only that the extinguisher is not recommended as particularly effective for that classification of fire.
All Amerex extinguishers are furnished with a detailed “Owners Manual” containing valuable information. The manual contains general information on the installation, use and maintenance of the extinguisher. The extinguisher nameplate (label) contains information specific to “HOW TO USE” the particular extinguisher. The label instructions vary slightly according to type and size. All potential operators should be totally familiar with the instructions on any extinguisher they might be required to use.