Redding, California Fire Extinguishers
Portable, wheeled or fixed unit fire extinguishers are an invaluable tool that every occupied building should install and properly service aiding in the containment, suppression or extinguishing of small fires in Redding, California.
Fire Extinguisher Maintenance
Fire Extinguisher Service in Redding, California
Fire extinguishers require scheduled and routine maintenance, which may include physical, visual and mechanical tests or inspections to ensure its ready for operation in the event of a fire in Redding, California.
Daily, Weekly, Monthly
Fire Extinguisher Service in Redding, California
Maintenance begins by owners & building occupants taking responsibility of their installed fire protection & extinguisher systems. Inspections should be performed monthly or more frequently if circumstances dictate as suggested by fire extinguisher manufacturer's, Federal, OSHA, or State fire code or insurance requirements.
- The extinguisher should be checked to see that it is not damaged
- The discharge outlet is not blocked
- That it is fully charged
- The seal is not broken and that the operating instructions are clearly visible.
- Possibly shake every month as recommended by manufacturer
- Report expired annual tags, missing , damaged or used fire extinguishers
Daily, weekly and monthly fire extinguisher maintenance inspections can be completed by reading the fire extinguisher gauges to see if a recharge is required or if pressure has been lost in the fire extinguisher cylinder, if the fire extinguisher was discharged it must be serviced and maintained, are the fire extinguisher pins in place or missing, ensuring there is an annual inspection tag certifying the fire extinguisher was inspected and tested by an authorized, qualified, certified fire extinguisher company in Redding, California.
Annual Fire Extinguisher Maintenance
Fire Extinguisher Service in Redding, California
Fire extinguisher manufacturer's, NFPA, Federal, OSHA and Redding, California fire codes may require you to have a qualified, certified, actively licensed professional fire extinguisher company in Redding, California to complete fire extinguisher maintenance on all installed fire extinguishers. By obtaining bids, you can review estimates which detail the costs to maintain, service or replace installed fire extinguishers. Your local fire marshall should have details regarding the frequency of fire extinguisher maintenance schedules.
[NFPA-10] At least once a year or more frequently if circumstances require, maintenance should be performed. Maintenance is a "thorough check" of the extinguisher. It is intended to give maximum assurance that a fire extinguisher will operate effectively and safely. It includes a thorough examination for physical damage or condition to prevent its operation and any necessary repair or replacement. It will normally reveal if hydrostatic testing or internal maintenance is required.
Six (6) Year Inspections and Tear Downs
Fire Extinguisher Service in Redding, California
Six Year Maintenance – Every six years extinguishers requiring a 12 year hydrotest shall be emptied and subject to thorough examination of mechanical parts, extinguishing agent and expelling means. When applicable maintenance procedures are done during periodic recharging or hydrotesting, the six year requirement will begin from that date.