Redding, California Fire Extinguishers
Portable, wheeled and fixed unit fire extinguishers are an invaluable tool if they are readily available and properly functioning in the event of fire emergencies. Fire extinguishers are designed for specific use and should be matched to the Class of Fire it was designed to fight, such as Class A, B, C, D or Class K (Types of Fire Extinguishers) installing them near their specific designated fire hazards in vehicles, buildings, facilities or structures as described by Insurance Company, OSHA, Federal or Government Agency and Fire & Safety Codes in Redding, California.
How to Use a Portable Fire Extinguisher
Fire Extinguisher Training in Redding, California
The information here is an aid to assist a user in becoming familiar with fire extinguishers before using them, nothing replicates hands on training from qualified fire protection experts. Its recommended that a user become familiar with the fire extinguisher manufacturer's instructions for use manual before using the first time. Instructional videos are available to aid instruction on how to use fire extinguishers, the acronym P.A.S.S was created to help remember what to do in case of fire; Pull, Aim, Squeeze and Sweep.
Formal fire extinguisher training may be offered by factory authorized & trained, qualified and certified fire extinguisher companies that are actively licensed in the State of California and City of Redding. Certified fire extinguisher companies have proven a level of knowledge, skill and experience for additional assurances.
Amerex Fire Extinguisher Training Video
The following instructions are of a general nature, intended to familiarize the user with the basic operating techniques of Amerex hand portable extinguishers. All operate by removing the ring (safety) pin and squeezing the handles together. Since extinguishers differ, the extinguisher nameplate must be consulted for specific procedures and starting distances. |
- Hold the extinguisher upright and pull the ring (safety) pin breaking the plastic seal
- Stand back from the fire (the minimum distance stated on the nameplate) and aim at the base of the fire nearest you
- Keeping the extinguisher upright, squeeze the handles together to discharge and sweep from side to side. Move closer as the fire is extinguished but not so close as to scatter the burning material or liquid
- When the fire is out, back away while watching for possible re-ignition
- Evacuate and ventilate the area immediately after use. The fumes and smoke from any fire may be hazardous and can be deadly. NOTE: Whenever possible, protective clothing and breathing equipment should be used while fighting a fire.
P.A.S.S. | Pull - Aim - Squeeze - Sweep
The acronym PASS has been used to aid people in remembering the procedures to use portable fire extinguishers to contain, suppress or extinguish fires.
- P: Pull the Pin
- A: Aim at the Base of the Fire
- S: Squeeze the Trigger
- S: Sweep Side to Side
Amerex Fire Extinguishers | Instructions for Use
Amerex manufactures a wide variety of hand portable and wheeled fire extinguishers, both “compliance” (code required) and “specialty” types. “Specialty” type extinguishers are intended for use on particular types of hazards, so careful attention should be made to locating them in close proximity to the specific hazard they are meant to protect. It is natural for a person to use the extinguisher located nearest to a fire. The most current issue of NFPA-10 should be consulted for minimum recommended fire extinguisher types, placement and travel distances.
Your local Amerex Fire Equipment Distributor is professionally qualified and equipped to help you evaluate and implement these recommendations. Two new classifications have been added recently – Class A:C (Amerex Water Mist fire extinguishers) and Class A : K (Amerex Wet Chemical extinguishers). All picture symbols are detailed below and should be reviewed with all who might be expected to use a fire extinguisher. Everyone should be familiar with these picture symbols which identify the types of fires on which they may be used. The International sign symbol diagonal red slash indicates a potential danger if the extinguisher is used on that particular type of fire. Absence of a type symbol means only that the extinguisher is not recommended as particularly effective for that classification of fire.
All Amerex extinguishers are furnished with a detailed “Owners Manual” containing valuable information. The manual contains general information on the installation, use and maintenance of the extinguisher. The extinguisher nameplate (label) contains information specific to “HOW TO USE” the particular extinguisher. The label instructions vary slightly according to type and size. All potential operators should be totally familiar with the instructions on any extinguisher they might be required to use.